Thursday, May 24, 2012

{Pinching Pennies Preschool 2011-12}

Preschool this year was a lot of fun!!!! I participate in a co-op preschool that we pay a minimal fee to cover our operating costs and materials and rotate homes for teachers. This has been a lot of fun, and it is something I participated in with Kairi and this is the second year with Kesslynn. Last year we initiated monthly field trips and had such a great time with them, that we kept that going this year. I have a couple of pictures of the places we went, but I wasn't always prepared with a camera! Darn it! This year's field trips have included: the Police station, the Post Office, Lowe's, toured an Elementary school and few others that I can't remember right now! Anyhow we had a blast and the kids got to go to several places that they wouldn't normally be able to see.

Vernal Police Department 

Vernal Post office

As a highlight for the year and to send the kids off to Kindergarten in style, we arranged for a planes and trains field trip. We were able to tour the new Classic Lifeguard Helicopter that is stationed at the hospital I work at. The Nurses and Paramedics and Pilots were SO VERY NICE!!!! I can't even express how kind they were. They had candy for the kids, answered everyone's questions, gave had outs, helped with pictures and showed the kids ALL the ins and outs of the helicopter. They opened EVERY door for them and let them poke around! I hope we never need their services {they are the equivalent of our area's Flight for Life as well as aid in Search and Rescue operations} but I know if anyone in my family needs their help they are in WONDERFUL hands!

Kesslynn, Dace & Joshua

Kesslynn & Elika

Caleb in the Driver's seat 


Mommy & Elika

Our Preschool Group with the Great staff of Classic Lifeguard

As the second part of our field trip we went and saw the "Train Man." He is based in Naples which is pretty much in Vernal and has a passion for trains. He has a 1/8 size train that he has in his yard and has enough track for a wonderful little ride around his property. To read more about him read this write up in the Vernal Express here. Anyhow not everything goes without a hitch, and after Ellie's cart came unhooked from the train and moved backwards down the track- she bailed and wouldn't ride it any longer. Though I have to say that the selflessness of several 5-year-olds was demonstrated when Kesslynn, first, jumped out of her seat and ran as fast as she could to her sister's runaway car to try and stop it. Not long after that all the kids from Preschool joined in and were able to rescue the car. It was kinda funny, kinda sad and REALLY quite incredible.  Seems like they learned a thing or two in Preschool-especially from the Super Heros unit.

Meeting the Train Conducter! Thanks again Sir!!!

Following our adventures, we went to the park for a little luncheon and ceremony that involved pretend caps and diplomas! Congratulations you kids!!!! Good luck in Kindergarten!

{Some more firsts}

I forgot to include a few new firsts for Kairi! She has been riding a little bike that we got for her 5th birthday. Last year I promised her a new bike when she would learn to ride without training wheels. I don't know why we waited so long, but it is just how it happened. Any way she pulled it off last summer and so this spring we went to Wal-Mart and she picked out this beauty for her bike. It took her some learning, but she finally mastered this bike and she is now just one of the kids that pack up and ride around the neighborhood!

She also began piano lessons this year from our sweet neighbor down the street. She practiced hard and was able to perform in a competition that awarded her a "Superior" rating. She was so excited at how well she did. One thing I learned about this girl is that she works well under pressure!!!
Congratulations Bugga!!!


Christmas time came and went for us here. Nothing really extravagant to report- really! Kesslynn took pre-ballet lessons this year and she was able to participate in her dance company's rendition of "The Nutcracker." She was a little doll. She would be the one in the picture below who is looking at the camera. Such a good little model.

Our traditions are few when it comes to Christmas, because I don't want to become so steeped in tradition that they aren't special so we keep a few and then try others out. One tradition is a gingerbread house-making party at Cameron's parent's home. We get together with all the available cousins and decorate away. The girls are really starting to enjoy it and as they get older they are far more creative!

{Family photo-op}

We once again got family pictures this year. We had an addition and needed to keep things current, so I just chose a few. There are more available- I will tell you where if you ask {and I know you} Anyway.... This picture of Cameron and his sisters is Fan-freaking-tastic! I love all of them. I love Cameron, obviously, but his sisters are fantastic! They are the sweetest most caring and ecclectic collection of women I know. I am grateful everyday for the wonderful women that marrying Cameron has given me, plus I love him too.

We also got our own family pictures done. I think this one is my favorite at this point, but I'm still stressing about the way I look. Vain I know. I thought I would love love love red hair, but since seeing myself in my pictures it is definitely time to revert to the dark side. I always did like that side better anyway. hahahahaha I saw a  t-shirt once that said "Come to the dark side. We have cookies." I am also still getting used to the braces thing, and that is a little weird to see. But once those suckers are off (t-18 months)we are getting a new family picture. It of course will include my dark hair. :) As for the rest of my family, did you see how beautiful my daughters are?! Eeekkk! Cameron and I are in trouble with these beauties!

{Movin' on up!}

Shout out to my homedog James!!!!! Congratulations buddy!!!! Now on to bigger and better things!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{Kait?! Married?!}

It seems like only yesterday I met Kait. She was a tiny little 7 year old with a sweet little voice and not much to say to her older brother's new girlfriend. I remember sitting in the living room of her home visiting once and trying to talk to her and her sisters. Really they don't have much to say to a girl who is dating their brother. As time grew on and I became a more permanent fixture in the family, conversation did evolve- thankfully!! {Because I don't think I could have stuck it out if Cameron's sisters couldn't talk to me!} Now she is all grown up and graduated from high school, educated, and MARRIED!!!! Holy crap!!! Okay now that my age is showing.....

Kaitlynn & Garrett married in the Vernal Utah Temple recently. I don't want to be too specific, because lets face it- there are creepers out there!!!!

I got to do her bridals, and I had a lot of fun doing them!! Kaitlynn is super laid back and a no-fuss girl, so we kept is simple!!! She looked beautiful, but more than that, she IS happy!! Congratulations!!!

You may be wondering why I posted this picture. Well there is a perfectly good explanation for it. You see Cameron likes to tease his mom. So he took a bunch of crappy pictures {the subjects are not crappy- at least this pictures subjects aren't, the thermostat on the other hand.....} with my camera at the reception for his mom to have... Sorry Kathy, I can only do so much!

These two sweethearts, are Ellie (L) and Ava (R). They are 6 months apart in age, and love to play with each other until they get tired of one another. I couldn't help posting this duo! I have a similar picture from many many many years ago at Marissa's wedding when the littlies are Kairi and Brooklynn. Oh how time flies!

Kathy, Cameron's mom, made the cake. She found a recipe for fondant on Pinterest {Oh how I love Pinterest!!! Another day... another day....} and she made the cake. I think she did a fantastic job on it!!!

I couldn't help posting this one.... Sorry Jenna. Kathy: this one is headed your way, compliments of Cameron.

{quiet. I'm hunting wabbits}

Every Easter deserves an easter egg hunt. We normally attend the one the day before put on by the local radio station and get our fill of candy that way. This year we went ahead and did that, but then we took it a step further and joined Cameron's family for an Easter Egg hunt hosted by his parents. All the kids had a great time and it was fun to see them run wild and then have hunt after hunt after hunt after hunt..... {just like I remember doing as a kid....}


Every spring my favorite photographer {check her out here} does Easter Mini Sessions. This is this years batch of my beauties!!!
I love these pictures, and I love these girls...