Monday, September 6, 2010


i didn't know what to call this one... so it is isdkfniawhifkibvc,vaih, affectionately...... anyhow the point of it all is to say this. since i got myself a "manny" (ie: Talon- we'll get into this a little later) Cameron and I have been taking some time for ourselves, and on one such occasion our "family" was supposed to go to the Dinosaur Museum {it is free on the fourth of July} but the kids were aweful at the parade, so Talon stayed home with them and Cameron and I got to go explore without the posse. During such a momentous occasion we got a picture of the two of us that I haven't seen the likes of for about 9 years... It's not professional, but it is us... not glamed up not fake not cheesy it is us.......... and I {heart} it......


Jenna said...

I love this picture!!!! Kait stayed with Ava yesterday so that Ryan and I could go grocery shopping by ourselves! It was nice!!

Kathy said...

I love this picture too. And, yes, it reminds me of another picture of the two of you when you were just starting out on this journey together.