Saturday, September 1, 2007

Flower Girl

Kairi has recently taken to watering things. Which is funny, because I have recently taken to NOT watering things. Anyway, one day she decided the plants on the back step needed to be watered and so off she went to water them. She carried on for about 15 minutes, when I told her that she needed to be done. Her reply- "But Mom, the plants aren't alive yet...." So after laughing my head off and explaining to her that no amount of watering would bring those poor plants back, we decided that we should buy her a plant to keep alive. So the beautiful purple (her favorite color) mums are her plant that she sometimes waters. The other times, it is me that waters them. Which is helping me remember to water all the other "dying" plants....


Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi, love the idea of having a weekly recipe on the blog. I am always down for trying new recipes, so thanks! Oh, your flowers are pretty too! lol

Kim J. said...

that is just too funny. i wish that when i water my plants that they will just come back to life too!