Sunday, September 16, 2007

So over the next few hours I watched it considerably close and I soon noticed a kind of cap over the area that had been the bottom of the "j". Next thing I know the caterpillar starts moving and wiggling really fast and this green stuff starts taking over his body starting at the bottom and working its way to the top. I also notice that its antennae and legs are all coming together in one great big ball and he just keeps wiggling until the green stuff gets all the way to the top. Then the legs and black all fall off in one big lump and he just stops moving..... Tops it took 5 minutes, which is news to me. I thought it formed its crysallis over a few days- guess I was wrong.

After another day the crysallis solidified and turned the shade of dull green that you see. I think that it is pretty cool. It also picked up some very GOLD flecks on it at ridge points which I also find pretty cool. So from what I read we wait for two weeks. This happened about that long ago and so when I have more pictures of the crysallis clearing out I will post them....