i think i have mentioned before my difficulty in getting kairi to keep her eyes open during indoor pictures, but this is the best picture i have, so we will work with it. we have recently been visited by the tooth fairy- twice to be exact.
kairi has been losing teeth... no surprise there {she is 6 for crying out loud} but i just didn't realize that i had a child who was old enough to lose teeth. i know this sounds stupid, but really? i know my age.. i know what it says about me.. but i don't feel it and so this came as a surprise. especially since the adult teeth started coming in unbeknownst to me and i didn't clue into it until the adult tooth was already through and pushing her bottom teeth around. i hauled her to the dentist to have him pull it and he sent me {& her} promptly back home to let nature take it's course. so we let it {aided by her father who just can't resist making "someone" bleed hahahaha} needless to say the tooth fairy visit yielded this girl 5 bucks for the first tooth and 4 quarters for the second....
i must have gotten a different tooth fairy, because i was exstatic with 50 cents...... or maybe it is inflation.....
today was: Attack of the Posts
I thought I noticed another missing tooth.... I think Cam pulled some of my teeth too!?! Maybe.. I can't remember! It wouldn't surprise me if he did!!
What a big girl! I remember being excited about the tooth fairy coming. I always thought I might catch her in the act. Nope. Five dollars that is awesome! I don't think that I've met that tooth fairy either.
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