Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blog Tag

Okay, so now I am it. Thanks a lot Chandra!!! I don't know that there are random facts about me, let alone 6.... I am kind of an open book. But there is always something new to learn isn't there. Well first I have to tag someone else to leave there own random things and I think I will tag two people. The first is Shawna, my cousin's wife, I don't know you that well, but we have this in common and it would be great to learn something new about you. The second is Juliann. You love to blog, Juliann and we don't see a lot of one another and so I know things have changed. 1. I am very opinionated (perhaps that is not very random:-) however I don't like that fact about me. I have been allowing myself the opportunity to change that. I feel that my opinion hurts people and comes across as judgemental, which is not my intention. 2. I love to take pictures of everything, but mainly to document my life with my family and the things that we do together so that when I am 70 I can look back and recognize how rich my life has been. 3. I try to find the silver lining in the clouds. I think that this is my coping strategy. Otherwise I would pity myself. 4. I love to take chances when I cook. Not much of a risk taker, but with cooking there is always a plan b in the fast food industry. 5. This is for you Chandra. I trace peoples veins as far up their arms as I can. Just to see if I can still find a good vein and identify the places where an IV should go. I will do this anytime, day or night. Anywhere- church, boring places. I did it to my Mom, my dad, brothers, sister, husband, I've even done it to my daughter. The nurse in me has been put on the shelf, but she rears her head in this way to make me realize that it is still apart of who I am. 6. I love to travel. And I married a homebody. I am breaking him in with the help of the medical community and his job that sends him on business trips 1-2 times a year. Then of course there is the trips to Overton. Unfortunately, he is still holding out for the teleportal unit to be repaired to streamline the process. (I know there is no number 7 technically for this, but this is for the girls from high school.) 7. I still watch Days of Our Lives- religiously. I also don't feel bad about it when they talk about how soap operas are bad and we shouldn't watch them, in Relief Society. Will I be meeting the Devil over this?


Chandra said...

I have to tell you that I have imagined Bethany getting sick and going to the hospital and me volunteering to start the IV. Yes, I know that sounds cruel but the itch won't go away. Nurses...