Sunday, December 30, 2007


Yup it is time for the annual trip to see Santa Claus. In years past Kairi would have nothing to do with the Jolly Fat Man, but this year she was all about him. She was still a little nervous, but managed just the same when I went and sat by Santa too. After a few minutes she finally warmed up enough to tell him what she wanted. Kesslynn was with us when we went to see Santa, however she fell asleep before our turn, so she missed out. Kairi, of course, asked for a horse with a carrot. Now she spoke of this several times and when I finally went Christmas shopping, we discovered exactly what she was talking about-- that stupid "Butterscotch" Furr-real Pony that is touch activated and moves around and is HUGE!!!!! Heck no was I getting her that thing!!!! So Santa just forgot and that was that. Maybe I'll be the one with the coal this year as a result....