Sunday, April 26, 2009


today i missed church....

because i couldn't find my shoe.....

it shouldn't feel so frustrating.....

i am going to blog on this.. it may be too personal for some, but i am blogging it anyway, because, like me, i know someone out there needs to hear that someone else struggles... i am that someone else.

my girls are precious and loving and everything i have wanted, then the day gets rolling and i have to deal with the crying and whining and screaming and fits and diapers and eating and dishes and, and, and.....

i literally sat on the floor today and cried in my husband's arms over my missing shoe. i then proceeded to throw away my girls things that were left out. packed up the mess in the playroom. screamed and yelled and threw my own fit...

then i felt a little better. i wish i could keep it all together and keep a nice house, clean children, children that are dressed, and have time to have fun with my kids. i feel like all i do is clean up and i never have time to just "play" with them.

i even threw out the cleaning system i was using so i could sit while i was pregnant and it has been shelved ever since, so i could attend to 3 instead of 2.

i visited with the most amazing person today and watched (and listened) as i heard my words come through her lips at her own trouble-makers. there is comfort in this. i didn't feel like such a failure. and so i post my own troubles in hopes that someone else will feel comfort. because that is what we are to do. and if you feel compelled share your own challenges so that i can have others riding this crazy boat of motherhood with me.....


Jes said...

You don't know me but your brother-in-law used to work for my brother-in-law and I am friends with Jenna.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks because I needed that today because it was one of those days for me too.

Kim J. said...

ahh, poor girl! this is the thing that scares me about having kids. I already have these days, without them. you are no super hero, but you are a super mom and sometimes in becomes overwhelming of what you can't control.
i wish I was closer to come and take the girls for the afternoon so you can enjoy some quiet, relaxation.

I have a tough time having Kaitlyn every other weekend that i just want to shut myself in my room and watch movie and nap.

love you girly!!

Kohl said...

Just know that you are not alone in this motherhood thing. We all have those days. Some more often than not. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we need to talk... I took a sack into the girls room and filled it up with way too much crap! The way I see it, the less they have, the less we have to clean up.

Angelina Christina said...

Wow! I think I just read an entry to what would be my journal...if I had the time to keep my journal any more! Totally there with you, I've been there more than I want to admit to myself let alone anyone else. Don't worry too much-that's what the atonement is for. Remember you are definately not alone. And I often remind myself on days like that that I will REALLY miss my babies in a few years when they are too big to make those messes any more. Also, after a day like that when John walks in the door I hand him the kids and go take a hot bath for at least an hour-then I can be mommie again.

Peggy said...

I'm right there with ya! The boys have been talking about when Keith gave me a time out a while back, "Mom, you were a bad girl!" Yes, I was, and thank you for the reminder. I'm glad it is so funny for them. :)

Josh and Kristen said...

All I can say is... I hear ya! Thanks for posting!


Oh, Heidi-That is exactly how I feel, lately. Part of it has got to be hormones and lack of sleep. But it still feels horrible. Heck I even had days last week, where I thought, ya know what I don't want to be a mom today. But then a few hours later (or more like after my husband gets home and I take a nice long nap) then I remember I love being a mom, at least most of the time. Hang in there, my favorite saying is "this to shall pass"

Anonymous said...

I am soo glad to know that i am not the only one with these issues. There are just some days where you want to go and crawl in a whole for at least a day of piece and quiet and no whining or crying or attitudes. But like one of your friends said one day these stages will be over and they will all be grown up....but it's hard to think of it that way when you are in the moment!!! I know exactly how you feel and thanks for sharing. Love ya! Britt