Friday, May 22, 2009

{mommy day}

happy mommy day to me! i was treated to sleeping in, sick kids, handprints that i don't have to clean up- i just get to keep them (the best kind), hugs and kisses abound... nothing better than that. i know it's late, but happy mommy day to all and especially to two very special individuals: my mom and my mother-in-law. i know it is late, but i thought of you both all day long. the one cannot replace the other and they both stand as equals. i am fortunate enough to have the knowledge that i truly have one on earth and one in heaven- she is not gone. i love you both dearly. thank you for all you do, are and help me to be.


Kathy said...

Thank you Heidi for your kind words. Your mother did a great job with you and I know she is proud of you. You're a great mother and wife and every day I am grateful to have you as part of our family. Thank you for loving us.