Monday, February 18, 2008

Mad, Mad, Mad, Madam Mim

As before, I mentioned that our family has been sick. I have just made it through the really bad part, and now Kairi is finding her way into it. Over the weekend, I have been wracked with fever, chills, body aches the whole she-bang. I think it is the flu that is going around that the flu-shot didn't cover. Whatever, I never get a flu shot anyway, anymore. Needless to say, it has sucked. For whatever reason, in my delirium probably, I envisioned myself laid up looking like Mad Madam Mim (minus the spots of course). Nice little vision to have while you are sick. The only problem now is that I look in the mirror and think to myself, "Wow! It would not take a lot to transform into Madam Mim." Very disheartening.... Even more disheartening is I actually think I have what made her sick. I watched a clip of "The Sword in the Stone" last night. You know the one with the wizards duel. Merlin turns into a virus (coincidence- I think not!) He proceeds to tell Mim that he has infected her and it starts out with spots all over her body. Followed by hot and cold flashes. Then violent sneezing. So let's review Spots?- nope! Hot and Cold flashes?- yup! Violent Sneezing?- yup! Anytime you sneeze while congested it is violent, I don't care who you are. So official diagnosis would probably be the "Merlin Virus." If I started hearing Merlin talking to me about my symptoms, I may have been very convinced that the only cure would have been to seek out Mickey Mouse and have him make me have fun. Of course in his home town- aka Disneyland!! Any excuse to go- right?! Anyhow back on track. It would probably be best to stay clear of here for awhile. Especially if you are related to Mad Madam Mim, or dragons!


Josh and Kristen said...

Ha Ha Ha! I love your post! I totally hear you on the wretched virus that has been going around. We are getting it one at time here. First me, Benson, Josh and now McKay.