Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quick house update

No picture on this one, but here is where we stand on our house. We have paint and trim done. Lights are hung. Outlets are all done up. Switches are in place. TV and phone are done too. We still have to have 5 homes completed before we can move in, but we are getting closer. TPTB want the houses done by April 15th, or they will hire contractors to come finish them at our expense, but we (Cameron and I) won't have to worry about that. We are now to the point where the contractors are pretty much left. There are 2 houses that will probably not be ready. Hopefully it won't take long to complete though. So there we are.... I will post pictures when the cabinets and carpet are in. There won't be many posting on the blog until then, because I will be spending a lot of time working. Many thanks to those who are helping out with the house and the girls. We couldn't do this without you......


Anonymous said...

Woohoo!!! I am so excited for you I seriously can't stand it. By the way, did you get my email?

Kristin said...

I am so glad things are moving forward and there is an end in sight for you! That will be awesome if things work out for our house and then we are both in the southern area of Vernal. It would be great for our girls to grow up around each other. :) Anyway, hooray for you.
ps - do you know any families who are looking to get into a house? They are still getting families signed up and we are eager to get things rolling. The pricing is also really great for the first few homes...if you think of anyone let me know. Thanks!!

Angelina Christina said...

Hey, thanks for blogging, I'm so glad to hear from you. I'm excited for you to be able to get your house soon, you deserve it.
Did you get your baby cloths back? I'm sorry I didn't return them myself, I always seemed to miss you when I stopped by.
I will post pictures of our house soon-I just have to take them now. No we haven't bought yet, we are currently leasing a nice house. The market is still falling here and we'd rather find the perfect house at the right time-so we're keeping out options open for now.
Seriously, the offer to visit is always good, we have a guest room & bath even.