Sunday, March 30, 2008

SHOOT!!!! BANG!!!!!!!!!

Do you ever have those moments where you just go "I knew better....." Well I recently had one and I now vow in writing that I will never do it again. I tried to cut Kairi's bangs. Crap!!! This is horrible. The problem all started with me saying "Kai lets cut your bangs." I've done this before and it ended horribly then too. I swore I would not repeat my mistake then, but I guess I am a little self-confident in areas where I shouldn't be. Her bangs grow so fast and rather than take her to the hairdresser and pay $12 to have bangs cut I thought I would just do it. I prepare every needful thing before hand and gather her bangs. I gauge them to her eyebrows to find the appropriate length and get the scissors. In the meantime, Kairi lifts her eyebrows and I unknowingly cut her bangs about 1/2 inch TOO SHORT!!!!! Then to make matters worse, I cut them at an angle because Kairi can't sit still for 10 seconds.... so now I had to straighten them out and lost about another 1/2 inch. They look dreadful!!!! AAAaaarrrrrgggggggg!!!!!! So now I am going to let them grow out and she will not have bangs, because I can't stand the upkeep. Her hair is so long and requires so much as it is. Plus it will save us from this incident and the turmoil that assaults my mind every time I see them....


Our Crazy Life said...

LOL...Oh...poor thing! Those are sooo short...don't worry, they will grow...I did that to Amiah once, but I have to say, it was never that short...he he he Love ya!

Sarah and Dave said...

Oh, I dont think they look bad at all, and I even saw them in person so I can make a good judgment. She looks cute with baby bangs. There are lots of girls that do that intentionally some people can really pull it off, and she is able to fine