Sunday, October 12, 2008

Funny Kessie.....

Hope you all have fun tilting your heads as you look at these lovely pictures, but whatever.... Awhile back, Cameron bought a camelpack to take with him, when he went biking. Well when he gets home the girls love to play with it. As you can see, Kesslynn has figured out how to work it and will drink SO much water from it. It is cute to see her wear it all over the house and sucking water from it. Especially when the pack is as big as she is!!!!!

Another favorite pastime she has is to wear her dad's socks on her arms!!!! Funny girl!!!! Funniest part about it is that I have a similar picture of Kairi doing the exact same thing, I wonder if it is genetic?


Angelina Christina said...

Mason would wear socks on his arms too! Funny kids

Anonymous said...

She has beautiful eyes!!!