Monday, October 13, 2008

Kairi is 5!!!!!!!!

Lucky girl that Kairi..... She got two birthday parties. We did one the night of her birthday, and then she had a friend one. The pictures from her friend party are on another card, and so I will have to get them on another time. Her birthday party with family was a lot of quiet fun and so things went well. She got a beautiful jewelry box that sang, a great book about Heavenly Father, and a bike. This lasted until her friend birthday party when she was innundated with gifts. The Barbie Mariposa Birthday cake is what I made for her for her friend birthday party, everything else is from the family birthday party.


Josh and Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Kairi. It's been fun reading your posts. We miss you in our ward!

Anonymous said...

Nice job with the cake. I'm impressed. Sorry we forgot her birthday. Things have been crazy here. Miss ya