Thursday, May 24, 2012

{Pinching Pennies Preschool 2011-12}

Preschool this year was a lot of fun!!!! I participate in a co-op preschool that we pay a minimal fee to cover our operating costs and materials and rotate homes for teachers. This has been a lot of fun, and it is something I participated in with Kairi and this is the second year with Kesslynn. Last year we initiated monthly field trips and had such a great time with them, that we kept that going this year. I have a couple of pictures of the places we went, but I wasn't always prepared with a camera! Darn it! This year's field trips have included: the Police station, the Post Office, Lowe's, toured an Elementary school and few others that I can't remember right now! Anyhow we had a blast and the kids got to go to several places that they wouldn't normally be able to see.

Vernal Police Department 

Vernal Post office

As a highlight for the year and to send the kids off to Kindergarten in style, we arranged for a planes and trains field trip. We were able to tour the new Classic Lifeguard Helicopter that is stationed at the hospital I work at. The Nurses and Paramedics and Pilots were SO VERY NICE!!!! I can't even express how kind they were. They had candy for the kids, answered everyone's questions, gave had outs, helped with pictures and showed the kids ALL the ins and outs of the helicopter. They opened EVERY door for them and let them poke around! I hope we never need their services {they are the equivalent of our area's Flight for Life as well as aid in Search and Rescue operations} but I know if anyone in my family needs their help they are in WONDERFUL hands!

Kesslynn, Dace & Joshua

Kesslynn & Elika

Caleb in the Driver's seat 


Mommy & Elika

Our Preschool Group with the Great staff of Classic Lifeguard

As the second part of our field trip we went and saw the "Train Man." He is based in Naples which is pretty much in Vernal and has a passion for trains. He has a 1/8 size train that he has in his yard and has enough track for a wonderful little ride around his property. To read more about him read this write up in the Vernal Express here. Anyhow not everything goes without a hitch, and after Ellie's cart came unhooked from the train and moved backwards down the track- she bailed and wouldn't ride it any longer. Though I have to say that the selflessness of several 5-year-olds was demonstrated when Kesslynn, first, jumped out of her seat and ran as fast as she could to her sister's runaway car to try and stop it. Not long after that all the kids from Preschool joined in and were able to rescue the car. It was kinda funny, kinda sad and REALLY quite incredible.  Seems like they learned a thing or two in Preschool-especially from the Super Heros unit.

Meeting the Train Conducter! Thanks again Sir!!!

Following our adventures, we went to the park for a little luncheon and ceremony that involved pretend caps and diplomas! Congratulations you kids!!!! Good luck in Kindergarten!


Kathy said...

I loved reading all of your new posts, and snitching a few pics. I especially loved what you had to say about your sister.... and brothers and the sweet things you said about Cam's sisters. Thanks for sharing!