Monday, November 3, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

For FHE last week, we had some friends over for dinner and carved pumpkins and made caramel apples.  It was a lot of fun.  Cameron thought it would also be nice to use his new workbench that he just finished, so there were a few power tools involved. I think he was proud of it, albeit the pumpkin he was carving didn't fare very well.  Oh well.  We had a lot of fun, except I ended up carving ALL the pumpkins, since Kairi wouldn't stick her arm in her pumpkin, because it would make her dirty.  Kesslynn would happily help, but her with sharp objects is not exactly the wise parenting I like to think that I have.  On top of that, Cameron was consumed with carving with power tools..... ya, so I carved three pumpkins myself..... Oh well, good thing I like it--- A LOT!!!!


Anonymous said...

Those look so yummy!!! We made some but no one liked them but me so I ate 3 caramel apples. Maybe I did them wrong. Any suggestions? (seriously, I want suggestions ;-)

Anonymous said...

PS-- I love Cameron and his power tools. Ha Ha Ha

Sarah and Dave said...

Ha Ha, I love that he carved it with power tools!