Tuesday, November 25, 2008



7 Things I can do
  1. I can still fit my high school jeans {when I'm not pregnant-of course}
  2. I can craft till the cows come home-- I love crafting and creating.
  3. I can READ all day long :::: there are things that get ignored though (kids, meals, chores)
  4. I can cook
  5. I can do the wiring from start to finish in a pretty basic house like mine!!!
  6. I can start an IV and find a vein on just about anyone [except babies]
  7. I can find almost anything on the internet-  I heart the internet!!

7 Things I can't do

  1. See my toes
  2. Get out of bed in the morning  
  3. Cry when it is appropriate { I cry when I shouldn't and don't when I should}
  4. Find the "perfect" haircut  **the mantle has been passed, more on this later**
  5. Make a BOY  I love my girls, though
  6. Find it in me to clean the Bathroom-- consistently
  7. Dig a STUPID hole to plant a STUPID tree....

7 Things that attracted me to my Husband
  1. He rode a bike & could do tricks on it
  2. His ears were pierced
  3. His tongue was pierced
  4. He wore baggy pants {is there a pattern here.....}
  5. He was still a member of the Church
  6. He made me feel special and beautiful
  7. He was making something of himself-- going to school

7 Things I always say
  1. Kessie lets change your diaper
  2. Kairi STOP... Listen to me
  3. Kairi no one knows what you are saying when you cry
  4. Kairi stop crying
  5. Kessie don't bite
  6. Hello
  7. Cooolll!!!

7 Things I love to EAT {this is unfair....}
  1. Cake
  2. Cookies
  3. Candy
  4. Chips and Cheese
  5. Ice Cream
  6. Carbohydrates
  7. Sweet Pea Taffy
  8. Frozen Yogurt and mini Gummi Bears

7 People I tag
  1. Peggy
  2. Kathy
  3. Levi/Marissa
  4. Alison
  5. Shauna
  6. Sarah
  7. Chris


Sarah and Dave said...

Grow your hair for awhile before you come here next and when you get here I will take you to Aleasha, and you CAN NOT argue because it would be robbing me of my blessings to say no.